
We provide first class support for Blogger , Disqus and Facebook comments on posts and pages. Not only that, you can use multiple comments platforms at the same time and these comments are available on AMP pages as well. To customize comments, navigate to Comments Plugin through Theme Designer . Go to Blogger Theme Designer. Click on Advanced tab. From dropdown selection list, select Plugin: Comments . Blogger comments This section will guide you to customize Blogger comments. Comments on pages By default, comments are enabled for pages as well. They can be disabled or enabled by setting the length of Comments on pages to 1px or 2px respectively. Iframe style There are two styles of iframe available for comments form embed, generally Legacy and Modern . By default, it is set to Modern style. Blogger legacy comment iframe Blogger modern comment iframe You can change the iframe style to Legacy or Modern by setting the length of Blogger Iframe Style to 1px or 2px respectively. For AMP variant of pages, it…

About the author

Saykas | Content Writer passionate about local & tech news. I simplify trends and explore community tech. Join me on this journey!

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