UI Components and Typography

UI Components and Typography
All new Components and Typography writing formats for version 3. Looking for 2.6.5 Docs? Take a look at old documentation . Table of Contents Related Posts Most of these features can only be used in ' HTML View ' mode, nor can you switch to ' Writing view ' mode while using some of these features. In post editor view, click icon at the bottom right of the title. Two options will appear: HTML view and Writing view . Select ' HTML View '. Copy and paste the component code wherever you want to add it and make appropriate changes. Paragraph Use p tag to add paragraphs to the article. <!--[ Paragraph ]--> <p> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. </p> Paragraph with Text Indent This feature functions to make the first line of a paragraph indented with a predetermined value. You can also apply it to several other paragraphs. <!--[ Text Indent paragraph ]--> <p class='pIndent'> Your_paragraph_is_here. </p> Paragraph with Drop Cap Th…

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Saykas | Content Writer passionate about local & tech news. I simplify trends and explore community tech. Join me on this journey!

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